The Lodge Room in The Village at Black Creek

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Heritage Lodge has operated a display lodge at The Village at Black Creek for many years. Prior to COVID, the lodge room was managed and staffed by a very dedicated crew of Masons who volunteered their time to be “interpreters”. These volunteers explained the artifacts in the room and introduced Freemasonry to the thousands of visitors to the historic Village every year. Without our Volunteer Masonic Interpreters, the room cannot open to the public.

We are establishing a program whereby your lodge can have its day at The Village at Black Creek. Each participating lodge will supply two “interpreters” to staff the lodge room. This can be broken into shifts, if it suits the lodge. Heritage Lodge will train one of your members to be the trainer and supervisor of the interpreters and in turn he will train any of his members that will be assigned to the Lodge room.

To launch this program a rededication of the Cornerstone of the Lodge at Black Creek will be held in May of 2023. The Grand Master and Members of Grand Lodge will be in attendance and a parade through the village is planned. The Village at Black Creek will be promoting this day as a special event in their spring program.

To register your lodge and select your day please contact: Graeme Boyce, Sec, The Heritage Lodge

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