(Originally prepared as the ‘Introduction’ to the Lodge By-Laws by Jacob (Jack) Pos in 1978, now presented with slight modifications)
The first notion for the development of a Research and Historical Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction was conceived in the hearts and minds of a number of concerned masons who had become particularly disturbed over the erosion of our Masonic heritage and the apathy toward it’s preservation. Each year unknown quantities of Masonic books, papers, documents and other memorabilia were being innocently disposed of by families and estates of departed Brethren simply because there was no place or procedure to donate or receive Masonic artifacts for proper cataloguing, restoration, preservation and display of these important links to our Masonic past.
This important subject became a topic of much discussion at the Second Regional Masonic Workshops held in Brantford and Hanover, Ontario, in 1976. The interest generated during, and subsequently following, these meetings provided the incentive to proceed with the initial planning for the formation of a unique body of masons for the express purpose of providing a means for the preservation of our Masonic heritage in the Province of Ontario.
The first meetings were held in private homes but these soon expanded into well attended organizational meetings held in Masonic Buildings/Centres in Guelph, Waterloo, Georgetown and Cambridge as well as the landmark meeting held at the University of Guelph. On several occasions prominent speakers were invited to discuss the merits of the proposed objectives. After reviewing the progress to date as well as a careful analysis of the causes of decline and often failure of like Masonic organizations, clubs and research associations of the past, it became obvious that an organizational structure was needed to provide some measure of continuity and permanence.
What better choice, to ensure the future of the proposed objectives, than the basic structure of a Craft Lodge that from our history has endured the vagaries of time for more than 600 years.
The beautiful hand calligraphyed petition for a Warrant of Constitution, was delivered in person to the Grand Master of the Most Honourable Fraternity of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It was signed by 104 dedicated Charter Members. Their prayers having been answered, the Lodge came into being Under Dispensation, dated September 9, 1977, by the authority of the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Robert Edwin Davies. The Institution Ceremony took place on September 21, 1977, under the direction of R.W. Bro. Charles F. Grimwood, District Deputy Grand Master for Waterloo District.
By the time of the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Lodge in May 1978, an additional 65 Masons had applied for membership, bringing the total to 169, representing 98 Lodges from 27 Masonic Districts. On September 23, 1978, The Most Worshipful the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Robert E. Davies, accompanied by a most distinguished procession representing Grand Lodge, officially proclaimed The Heritage Lodge No. 730 duly Constituted in accordance with ancient usages and to act as a Regular Lodge within the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. The Grand Master, with the assistance of the Grand Chaplain, then proceeded to Consecrate the Lodge in conformity with the usages and customs of the Craft.
The Brethren looked forward to exciting new concepts in Masonic outreach as they endeavoured to carry out the duties they obligated themselves to perform. May the Great Architect of the Universe prosper those endeavours.
J. Pos, 1978